Alkaline Water

Why drink Alkaline Water ?

Alkaline Water at pH 9.5, is the PERFECT ANTI-OXIDANT for your Body to ensure LIFE-LONG DISEASE FREE GOOD HEALTH !

The Normal body in good health, without any medical problems Has pH level of 7.35 to 7.45. However, due to various reasons like Stress, eating habits, addiction to liquor, tobacco, life-style, work Related hazards, this pH falls to below 7, the body balance is greatly disturbed and the body becomes more acidic, and thereby can not effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements so important for the body to heal itself.

An imbalance in body's pH can cause any of the following illness

  • Hormone concerns,
  • Pregnancy & child-birth related problems,
  • Diabetes,
  • B.P. , High Cholestrol
  • Cardiovascular weakness / failure,
  • Weight Loss/Gain,
  • Chronic Acidity, indigestion,
  • Chronic constipation and infection in body.
  • Bladder and Kidney malfunction / failure,
  • Immune Deficiency,
  • Acceleration of free radical damage,
  • Structural system weakness, including brittle bones, hip fractures, arthritis, osteoporosis,
  • Stressed Liver function,
  • Yeast / Fungal overgrowth,
  • Cancer,

The body needs a balance Alkaline level to heal itself from the above issues, and function normally. It is the desired Alkaline level which provides the oxygen to the cells and thereby cures the disease. (disease can only survive in a acidic body). Cancer cells have acidic pH, hence can NOT survive in oxygen rich environment, as provided by drinking Alkaline water. So when the body pH is raised to 7.45, the cancer cells can NOT survive, and are out-numbered by healthy cells, hence faster recovery from Cancer. Reduced side-effects of chemotherapy & radiation

Hence by maintaining a regular habit of consuming ALKALINE WATER of Ph 9.5, you are ensuring that your body alkaline level is being restored to pH7.35 to 7.45. ALKALINE WATER with 9.5 pH is making up the deficiency of essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, and others (which the body is lacking). It is to be noted here that filter water or R.O water are acidic in composition, and R.O. water is lacking minerals altogether) Hence only ALKALINE WATER has the Health Benefit to re-store pH level to 7.35 in the body, giving the body a chance to heal itself.

What is Alkaline Ionized Water?

It’s not only the quantity of water you drink, but the amount of water that actually gets into your cells matters. The ionization process electrically charges your tap water to produce stable negative hydrogen ions. It’s this powerful element, the one that created life on Earth, which gives alkaline ionized water many of its AMAZING WAER properties. Ionization reduces water cluster size and surface tension by constructing a hexagonal structure. Water becomes alkaline, oxygen rich, and a powerful antioxidant. It even transforms the minerals in your tap water into an ionic form, so they can be more efficiently absorbed.

Water gets Structured

Finally nutrients get in and toxins get out efficiently

medicalbenifit_1Did you know that water could form different structures depending on how each molecule bond together? Structured water is composed of six tiny molecules of water in hexagonal shapes, just like you see in snowflakes.Your cell walls are also formed of a hexagonally shaped matrix. And that’s why, like LEGO bricks, microclustered and hexagonal water can perfectly fit into your cell walls.

On the other hand, regular water is composed of large pentagonal shaped water clusters, and will not penetrate your cell walls. So it must be re-structured within your body to be absorbed, which is an energy-consuming and inefficient process.

medicalbenifit_2Even then only about 20% of that is actually hexagonally structured at the most. Think about it. 4 out of every 5 glasses of water you drink go into your toilet. As a result you end up staying dehydrated and keep wondering why you are feeling tired!

On the other hand, regular water is composed of large pentagonal shaped water clusters, and will not penetrate your cell walls. So it must be re-structured within your body to be absorbed, which is an energy-consuming and inefficient process.

medicalbenifit_3Even then only about 20% of that is actually hexagonally structured at the most. Think about it. 4 out of every 5 glasses of water you drink go into your toilet. As a result you end up staying dehydrated and keep wondering why you are feeling tired!

On the other hand, regular water is composed of large pentagonal shaped water clusters, and will not penetrate your cell walls. So it must be re-structured within your body to be absorbed, which is an energy-consuming and inefficient process.

Water gets Alkaline & Oxygen-Rich

The perfect state of wellness and vitality

Watch the pH Test
Did you know that most of the food you consume in your daily life is acidic? A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH below 7 is acidic and above is alkaline. Every point lower or higher is a factor of 10. So if you drink a can of pop which has 2.5 pH, that’s 100,000 more acidic than your blood! In fact, most of the drinks and foods we eat are acidic. This includes meat, dairy products, sports drinks, and coffee.


So what’s alkaline water? All natural water consists of H2O molecules with OH- and H+ ions in very small quantities. It is these ions that give acidity and alkalinity to water. The pH of water is a measure of the quantity of H+ ions in the water. When these ions are equal in number, the water is neutral, when the H+ is higher it is more acidic, when the OH- ions are higher, it is more alkaline.

In regular water both acidic and alkaline minerals are mixed together. However, when water gets charged with eletrical energy, ionization causes the hydrogen within to get separated into hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). This separation happens when all the alkaline elements in the water are drawn towards the negatively charged plate and all the acidic elements are drawn toward the positively charged plate.

Each of these ions is formed around an alkaline or an acidic mineral. Every OH- ion will be bonded with an alkaline mineral like calcium. Every H+ ion will be bonded with an acidic mineral like sulfate.

OH- ions are a form of oxygen, a stable form as it is bonded with an alkaline mineral. When two such molecules combine they produce a molecule of water, the organic mineral itself, and pure oxygen. All three are absolutely essential for your body: water, oxygen, and ionic alkaline minerals.

Take a quick look at blood. As we know, blood has lots of water in it, and so it also has a ratio of both the the acidic and the alkaline water. When there are more alkaline ions, there is more oxygen in the blood. In fact, if your blood is just a tiny bit more alkaline (from 7.3 to 7.45), it will be holding around 67% more oxygen. This means more energy for you!

Water becomes an Antioxidant

Protects your cells by destroying free radicals

Free radicals are atoms with missing electrons. They attack healthy cells to steal their electrons and cause damage to the cells. That’s called oxidation.

Antioxidants scavenge and destroy free radicals by feeding electrons to neutralize them. This means healthy cells are protected from free radical attacks. The OH- ion present in ionized water is a true antioxidant with an extra pair of electrons.

Unlike most other antioxidants in the food chain, antioxidant water does not become a free radical itself when it gives its electrons away to neutralize another free radical. In fact, ionized water stays as an antioxidant until it leaves your body. That’s why it’s a real antioxidant.


One of the methods scientists use to measure antioxidants in liquids is through “Oxidation Reduction Potential” better known as O.R.P. Most water including tap and bottled spring water are oxidants and create cell damaging free-radicals in our bodies. In fact, beverages such as tap water, soda, and sports drinks are up to 100 times more oxidant compared to AMAZING WAER WAER antioxidant water.

Stable negative hydrogen (OH-) present in antioxidant water is an incredibly powerful antioxidant due to it being the smallest of all elements, so it can penetrate the cells of the body instantaneously.

In fact it is so powerful that it is 5 times more antioxidant than green tea and has 4 times more oxidant than freshly squeezed orange juice. Can you imagine the benefits of drinking this powerful antioxidant every day?

Water gets Rich in Ionic Minerals

Minerals come to life and gets absorbed efficiently


he minerals in tap or bottled water are colloidal minerals with no electrical charge. In order for these dead minerals to be absorbed, they must first get “activated” in the body. This activation process involves conversion of the colloidal minerals into ionic minerals. Your body can only assimilate minerals that are in ionic form. That’s why colloidal minerals must be dismantled into smaller parts and obtain an electrical charge to become ionic minerals. Once they do that, they have the ability to cross the intestinal membrane. This is a very inefficient and energy consuming process.

On the other hand, ionic minerals are ready to be utilized by your body. They are easily transported across the highly selective cell membranes of the human digestive tract. AMAZING WAER WAER converts colloidal minerals in your tap water into ionic minerals. That means your body has to employ less energy in order to absorb these minerals. In addition to the magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium present in your tap water, you can add Himalayan Salt in AMAZING WAER WAER to make full spectrum of 84 ionic minerals!